Organization Structure
- General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme decision-making authority; its regular meeting will be held (Once) in a year. An extraordinary special session may be called by the majority of the members of the board or two thirds of the ECOF General Assembly members.
ToR of General Assembly
- Review of the report provided by executive director, head of finance and other departments while project activities and incomes and expenses of the organization.
- Review of report of the ECOFA’s monitoring and evaluation staff
- Approval of ECOFA’s annual budget and work plan.
- Re-election of the board of directors of ECOFA if their term of service has been terminated or expired.
- Re-appointment of the director or deputy director of EPDO if their term of service has been terminated
- Adoption of the decision on modifications and amendments to the Charter of ECOFA.
- Review and approve ECOFA’s policy for the short term and long term.
- Approval of the Payroll and internal policies and regulations of ECOFA.
- The General Assembly approvals should be registered in a special registration book and their decision shall be signed by the Executive board of ECOFA.
- The decision on the other materials to be discussed at the General Assembly.
Each participant has an independent right to vote at the annual Meeting of ECOFA in decision making.
The Annual Meeting shall be governed by the Chairman of the board of ECOFA elected by the General assembly and his right to vote in making decisions is advisory.
- Board of Directors:
The board of directors is composed of seven members elected by the General Assembly, which will be selected from outside of the organization.
Board meetings are held every 6 months and extraordinary meetings can be called by most of the board members.
The Executive Director, who is composed of the board of directors and the head of the ECOFA, is elected by the board of directors or general assembly
The term of service of the members of the ECOFA’s board is (3) years
Authorities of Board of Directors
- Review the report of the ECOFA’s Executive Director on the activity and income and expenses
- Approval of the ToR of ECOFA’s Departments.
- Approval of the MoUs and Contracts with NGOs, Donors, Government institutions and Civil Society Organizations. This authority may be delegated to the Executive Director in case of emergency.
- Approving the Work Plan of the Executive Board and relevant department of ECOFA.
- Approval of project managers proposed by the Executive Director.
- Approve the work plan of each project.
- Control of the ECOFA's income and expenses.
- Propose changes in the nature of the organization, liquidation or merger, change of name, and establishment of sub-offices
- Determine the heads of Departments after approval of the Executive Director.
Responsibilities of Board of Directors
- Provide continuous advice to the Executive Director and other board members In order to comply with the decisions of the Annual meeting and improve the performance of the ECOFA.
- Review of six month and one-year ECOFA’s financial affairs (revenues and expenditures).
- Responding to the demands and complaints of ECOFA staff.
- Searching for funds and funding sources for surveyed projects.
- Provide communication with the coordination agencies, civil society organizations and government departments.
- Provide suggestions on adjustments and improvement in ECOFA’s Charter to the General Assembly.
- Schedule and Prepare ToR.
- Design and prepare internal monitoring mechanism of ECOFA.
- Executive Board of Directors
The Executive Board are composed of Executive Director, Deputy Director, Admin and Finance Manager and Head of Department.
Director and Deputy Director of ECOFA who are composed of Executive Board shall be appointed on proposal of BoD and approval of General Assembly.
The rest of ECOFA’s Executive Members are hired by the Executive Director.
Executive Board meetings are held once a month, and the Director and Heads of Departments will present their reports.
Authorities of Executive Directors:
- Participate in national and international meetings, seminars and government and non-government coordination meetings.
- Approval of recruiting and dismissing the personnel of ECOFA in accordance with the charter.
- Review of Monthly, Six month and annual reports.
- Appraise the quality of performance of the worker in accordance with the plan.
- Solving the ECOFA's problems and responding to demands and complaints related to organization
- Issuing guidelines to improve and better implementation of organization’s activities.
- Singing of Contracts and Protocols with Donors and other organizations which financially help ECOFA.
- Monitoring and supervision of administrative, financial and project affairs
Responsibilities of Executive Director.
- Implementing all decisions taken at the Annual Meeting and BoD Meeting.
- Conducting EPDO’s day to day activities related to administration, finance and projects.
- Instill discipline among staff members.
- Division of duties and submitting of work plans to heads of departments and other members of ECOFA.
- Representing ECOFA in National and International Seminars and Workshops (with the permission of competent authorities).
- Prepare progress reports of ECOFA’s activities and present them to BoD.
- Preparation of the work plan and its implementation according to the work plan
- In case of necessity and requirements, recruit people to implement activities in accordance with the Charter of ECOFA.
- Provide work facilities to departments and collect their work plans.
- Executive Director has the authority to delegate some of his/her responsibilities in writing to the Deputy Director or Board Member
The Deputy Director and Finance Manager of ECOFA are the permanent supporters of the Director, and in the absence of the Executive Director, all the powers of the Director are exercised by the deputy director.